
Our Story

We are PaperCat, and we design COOL Creations Books!

Paper Art תמונות של צוות פייפרקט, הדר ואיתן

 We are a team of two designers. Hadar Kimchy and Eitan Shiloh. We’re also married. Together we design special creations books for kids and adults alike! 

We had established our brand ‘PaperCat’ in 2009. The idea behind our brand ‘PaperCat’ started to develop when we became a family. That is to say- with the birth of our children. 

With the birth of our children, we accordingly started missing our childhood toys. Thus we started thinking about all those lovely toys and products that made our childhood happy.  

For example, do you remember the simple wooden toys and those small tin cars?

Anyone remembers these illustrated paper dolls with their cute wardrobe we used to dress up?

And how about those hours and hours we’d spent in our rooms, busy in creative activity and imaginary games? 

Our childhood memories are filled with all these colorful yet simple products and toys we played with.

We even remember how it felt to hold or touch them. Moreover, we remember the feeling of achievement after finishing a creative activity. It was priceless!.

Paper Art מגוון צעצועי הנייר של פייפרקט ביחד עם החוברות להרכבה
Paper Art ילדה משחקת בצעצועי נייר, מורכבים מתוך ערכת החווה

Now More than Ever

Especially today, in the era of “screens”- and in spite of it- we aspire to bring back “slow” joys. 

For this purpose, our mission is to create products that bring back patience, and crafting with our hands. Products that also promote  concentrating and deferred gratification. 

Creativity is the food of the soul! But there’s so much more in it! Firstly, constructing our paper art products motivates you for action. secondly, it brings the challenge that improves fine motor skills, and  logic intelligence. And eventually, after coping with the challenge of constructing – it brings this wonderful feeing of achievement. In conclusion- Priceless!
The material mostly used in PaperCat products is paper. 

Why paper? Because it is a very diverse material. First of all, it is accessible and known, and it can be illustrated and printed on. But more importantly, It can bend, be folded and cut- and then a MAGIC happens! The simple piece of paper turns into a 3-dimensional shape!  

Our Vision

PaperCat’s vision is to create designed products, all made from paper or cardboard, that have a nostalgic “feel” but with a “twist”! Products that combine quality, sophistication and aesthetics. 

We promise to keep developing products that challenge the mind and using the hands. We will always strive to encourage you to create and to think.

creative activity -constructing, folding, gluing. תמונות שלבי הרכבת רובוט מנייר